Monday, April 19, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

Monday: Pizza Night

Tuesday: Pasta & Chicken Alfredo

Wednesday: Cola chops, Salad, Fried Potatoes

Thursday: Leftovers

Friday: Leftovers

Saturday: Grill, Sweet Potato Fries, Green Beans

Sunday: Still deciding. Company in town so we’ll probably go out one time, so Sat. might end up on Sun.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Menu Plan Monday (on Tuesday)

I did not make a menu plan last week and it messed up my whole week. I am further convinced of the necessity of menu planning. I really would like to do more planning farther ahead as well. I’ve been doing the planning each week since sometimes our schedule changes on what days the hubby will be home and what days he isn’t. I’m trying to figure out the best way to plan. Do I make a plan for a month at a time and plug the meals in ahead of time, or do I make a monthly plan with the meals listed for each week and then plug them into the calendar at the beginning of the week? I’ll need to do some brainstorming.

What works for you with your menu planning?

This week’s menu:

Tuesday: Sweet Potato Fries, BBQ chicken

Wednesday: Waffles (making extra to freeze), and bacon

Thursday: Grandma’s Mac & Cheese, Creamy soup steaks

Friday & Saturday: Daddy and Munchkin #1 will be camping, I’ll be painting M 1’s bedroom, so leftovers, cereal and homemade frozen pizzas for M #2 and I. ;o)

Sunday: Grill, fried potatoes, green beans


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Baking Day Results

Yes, I know, my boys are weird, they don't like cheese on their pizza.  13 individual frozen pizzas ready for the next couple of sitter nights, or I'm too lazy to do anything else, lets have pizza nights.

2 8x8 (actually one was eaten this morning) and 2 9x13 pans of cinnamon rolls safely in the freezer.

20 biscuits frozen and ready to go.

I didn't take any pictures of the bread, since that is a normal every week baking thing. I ran out of time for the waffles but I might make a batch of those for the freezer later this week.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Baking day

Today is baking day as soon as the youngest munchkin gets off to school. On the docket for the day is bread, cinnamon rolls to freeze, biscuits to freeze, waffles to freeze and individual pizzas to freeze. Soon the freezer will be stocked and the 25 lb bag of flour will be all used up.

Pictures will be posted later of all that is made today.
