Monday, June 29, 2009

The hardest part of my week

I have decided that the hardest part of my week is now Mondays. I have always liked Mondays; it’s a new start to the week, a chance to start off the week right and leave behind any mistakes or issues from the previous.

Mondays still feel like a new beginning, a new chance to do some great things, but I have been getting behind and not keeping up my good habits over the weekend. Throughout the week, I have been doing a good job of keeping the dirty dishes put in the dishwasher so that the kitchen is always only a few minutes away from being able to show the house. The weekend kind of gets away from me in that aspect. I don’t know if it is more that I want to spend that time hanging out with the family, or that my husband, who works out of town during the week is home, so we cook bigger more elaborate meals and make more dishes. It’s probably a combination of the two.

My goal for the rest of this week and through the weekend is to keep up with my dishes. I will strive to put them in the dishwasher as soon as a meal is over, to run the dishwasher when it is full, and get the clean ones put away promptly so there is room for the next set of dirties, and to go to bed with a clean kitchen counter.


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